Fan Parks for South Africa.

Anticipation of the 2010 Soccer World Cup spurred rapid development of fan park sites where residents and tourists without stadium seats could view the games. Innesfree Park, a designated site in northern Johannesburg, is a center point separating upper-class gated communities to the west and the densely-populated township of Alexandra to the east. Despite severe poverty and crime, Alexandra is a vibrant community with a rich cultural and political history. Gazing from Alexandra, the towers of the wealthy region of Sandton shopping district dominate the horizon. Using Google Earth, the urban fabric was sampled along the tower trajectory to produce a series of program strips. Wrapped around the site and punctuated by a series of new towers, the program strips produce a vibrant ring of activity leaving the inner park intact while infusing new social, economic, and civic opportunities. At sundown, when the park closes, the continuous ring hosts cafés and restaurants along the outward edge, while protecting the inner park. CORE DESIGN STUDIO (Spring 2008) led by Professor Jeremy Foster. Project team: Hyun Seok Kang, Roberta Militello, Savina Vankova Kalkandzhieva.